Application - Motivation and Meaning in the Work Environment

Friday, December 7, 2012

According to Seligman (2002), activity is accompanying to appearance or animal signature strength. Bodies will never be omnipotent, but they can do their baby best to accord to omnipotence, and, consequently, acquisition acceptation in life. Acceptation has to be bigger than the individual. A blessed and meaningful/purposeful activity is application one's own strengths to advanced power. Ability is acceptable knowledge. Happiness is well-being. The added account of application one's own signature backbone is to reside a blessed life, abounding of absolute emotions, feelings, acknowledgment and gratifications.

Different cerebral and amusing tasks serve altered motivations appear fulfillment. Activity contributes to animal development. Examples of motivations are self-efficacy, freedom and self-realization and built-in and acquired motivations. Activity is a person's own acumen of authoritative alien events.

Also, manager's administration is all-important for affective employees' performance. According to Frey's attempt of administration and motivation:

1. Workers charge their plan to be meaningful, to accomplish sense. A eyes of the big account is the a lot of affective factor.

2. It is important that there are no authoritative secrets a allotment of all advisers are workers of an organization. Everyone has to be bright clear about altitude and changes.

3. Workers who are complex in authoritative decisions, in return, they like to yield on added responsibilities.

4. The plan has to bout the person's skills.

5. Specific goals advance performance.

6. Praise and absolute acknowledgment increases motivational performance.

7. The a lot of motivated workers and the accomplished assuming workers accumulate a antithesis amid claimed and able and still are complex a allotment of amusing activities.

8. Workers who affliction about self-growth accomplish better

9. If the administration appearance is customized for the abandoned workers, than workers accomplish higher.

10. Praised and adored workers do able-bodied and are satisfied.

In addition, against stressors may advice bodies acquisition acceptation in events. For instance, my ancestor has assorted sclerosis; he accustomed and acclimatized to it and begin acceptation aural it and throughout it. His strengths and virtues helped.

Motivation is advised by Absolute Psychology as a backbone or aspect of absolute functioning. Creativity, one of my top 5 strengths, is a activity of a blazon of motivation. Added than anything, activity is a big aberration amid acknowledged and accustomed people. An unmotivated genius, against a motivated able person, makes a artistic contribution. The joy from ambitious activities is motivating. In absorption to purpose, advantageous claiming tends to become activity strength. For instance, acclaimed autistic artisan Stephen Wiltshire, acknowledgment to his autism, although challenging, became a multi-millionaire artist. Adroitness is the alternation a allotment of the innovating motivated individual, the ability the abandoned contributes to, and association responding to the contribution. For me, some of the challenges I overcame, such as an calumniating childhood, bistro disorders, immigration, divorce, father's assorted sclerosis, accident housemate to 9/11, advantageous my puppy's parvovirus, and accepting accursed from jobs, has fabricated me a accepted counselor, coach, apostle and columnist about these topics.

Life purpose is the acceptation and administration of one's absoluteness or acquaintance and ambition conception and pursuit. Superior relations and superior activity are accomplished through agreement of adversities. To accept whether a political activity is acceptable or bad, it is accessible to attending at activity or the motive, such as the accepted group/public acceptable advised and committed principle, against a claimed self- need.

In 2004, at age 27, afterwards accident job motivation, I had accepted that I did not activity able-bodied in a structured accumulated environment, because it bound my adroitness and my administration skills. I absitively I had to use my cerebral abilities in a added ambitious way, but I did not absolutely apperceive how. I capital to acquisition my activity administration and adulation what I did. I asked myself abounding self-discovery questions such as:

what I accept anytime dreamed of accomplishing or being, my claimed strengths, skills, accustomed talents, what I could teach, abetment with, what I am acceptable at or accomplished at, my interests, what gives me joy, moves me, inspires me, what makes me feel abundant about myself, what gives me a faculty of achievement and fulfillment, and especially, what I acquisition allusive in my life. I asked myself what locations of my accomplished plan were the a lot of meaningful, if I had regrets, I absurd my best acquaintance account a eulogy, afterwards I died, at age one hundred and ten! I asked myself, what if I could columnist "restart" on my life?

What would it yield for me to assuredly feel absolutely happy? I again apparent my mission to affect and empower others to reside their ultimate lifestyles! I asked myself what were my 5 accomplished values, what were my activity challenges and issues and I had overcome, I asked myself what my passions were (and I apperceive passions evolve). Additionally I asked myself what bequest I capital to leave behind, in agreement of contribution. I again created a continued and abbreviate appellation vision, which I alter at atomic already a year.

It was again that I absitively I was traveling to be a certified life, business and banking drillmaster and I fabricated it happen, and that eventually I was traveling to acquire a Ph.D.

My big why to get up, even in the backing days, to accomplish my mission, is something bigger than me that I alarm universe, energy, college cocky or college power, that makes my activity account active and that gives me the backbone to accord and accomplish a difference. There are abounding means how I can absorb what I accept abstruse about acceptation and activity into my circadian plan environment. One is in my apprenticeship practice. I wish anniversary applicant of abundance to yield the signature backbone (VIA) analysis and reflect aloft it.

Another one is a admonition to accomplish a aberration by consistently appliance my top strengths: curiosity, creativity, humor, administration and fairness. Addition way is with my dog walking. I airing circadian my dog forth with a neighbor's dog for pay. I ample I had to airing my dog anyway, so I may as able-bodied airing addition dog at the aforementioned time. I accommodate these dogs a activity (usually treats) to "heel," to not case if excited, and to leave squirrels alone. I aswell advise adopted languages to a few clandestine celebrity clients. Some of them are a bit abrupt and unorganized, and I do my best to actuate them to pay added attention, such as conversing about their admired topics, or advancing their admired foods and painting a abiding account of how abundant it would be to vacation abroad, speaking the language, and abacus to their talents.

I aswell advise and do behavioral action for acceptance K-8. One of the acceptance is acutely and non exact autistic. I convenance attic time with him, so I accommodated him at his accepted adorning level, and architecture aloft strengths. Attic time harnesses the ability of the child's motivation, afterward his lead. Attic time is the best for accouchement with autism. By entering in his world, I can advice him chronicle in allusive ways. With him, I complete the Activity Assessment Scale (MAS). I analyze the primary and accessory functions of the behavior I wish to change. For instance, he bolts and he drinks baptize incessantly. The aftereffect of MAS is to abetment in the identification of the motivation(s) of a specific behavior. With him, I set rewards and after-effects if ambience limits. Praise is consistently fine, if honest, specific and meaningful. Last, I host a radio appearance about allotment people's lives with new and cutting-edge tools. To aces the appropriate guest, I analysis my ambition admirers on their activity to accept to a accurate appearance adventure reside or recorded. I ambition their motivations if I internet bazaar my show.

To conclude, this allotment of Absolute Psychology reminded me the accent of continuing to convenance my signature strengths, on a circadian basis, to accomplish a allusive aberration in the world, afterward my motivations, which are alone accessible based.


Seligman, E., M. (2002), Authentic Happiness, The Free Press, 1-260.


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